Friday, January 22, 2010

Close Encounter…No Camera

According to the charts, there are several ocean holes along the shore of Acklins Island a few miles from where we were anchored. These holes provide access between the ocean and the lagoon, and are analogous to the blue holes seen on land. We decided to dinghy over to snorkel them, but changed that plan when we rounded the point and pounded into the wind and waves – not comfortable at all. So we turned around and went over by the abandoned government pier to take depth soundings and…dolphins! We haven’t seen dolphins since we crossed over to the Bahamas, and have really missed them. There were five, and they thought we were pretty interesting, too, because they came over and just swam around the dinghy looking at us, not five feet away. They stayed quite a while. Of course, I didn’t have my camera. But sometimes, you just have to sit and enjoy the experience.

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