Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Welcome at the Cape Cod Canal

There's nothing like seeing familiar faces. That’s why it was so nice for my sister, Linda, and her children, Lauren, Hannah, and Matt, to see us through the Cape Cod Canal. We spent the previous two nights at a cozy anchorage in Onset, right next to the canal. On the morning of our transit, Linda and the kids were on the shore with signs saying AHOY MR MAC WELCOME ANNE AND CHRIS. It was terrific, and nearly made me cry.


  1. That is SO sweet. WE'RE definitely crying. And we second the idea that Scituate is a cruiser's paradise. It's one of those rare waterfront towns where everything you need is still at the waterfront. Love it!

  2. It's been great seeing my family and not having to rush through the visit. We hope to leave the boat at Scituate again during the Labor Day weekend when we go down to Atlanta for Dragon Con.
