Monday, January 8, 2018

We’re Back!

Mr Mac anchored in Providencia, Colombia

So sorry for the long silence. It’s been a busy year, and I’ll catch up some with occasional throwback posts. However, for now, we’re in Colombia, but probably not the Colombia you picture on the north coast of South America. We’re actually visiting two small islands – San Andrés and Providencia – that are owned by Colombia, but sit off of the Nicaraguan coast. They’re only about 50 miles apart, but boy, they couldn’t be more different! San Andrés is quite the tourist destination with lots of hotels, restaurants, shops, nightlife, and traffic…god, you gotta hate traffic. It’s a long, thin island with a ridge down the middle, spiky at the north end with tall buildings. Providencia, on the other hand, is rounder and incredibly lumpy with sharp-pitched hills, and a tiny little main town of Santa Isabel. It’s also a tourist destination, but a lower-key, more out of the way kind of place. You’ll see from the pictures I’ll post. For now, it’s great to be back!

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