Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! Let’s Celebrate a Great Cover for Weapon of Vengeance

We know we’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: We love Noah Stacey, our book cover artist. Though Weapon of Vengeance, Book 3 of our Weapon of Flesh trilogy, won’t be out for a few more months, we just had to give you a sneak peek of the cover. The Weapon covers have provoked strong and conflicting emotions in viewers. At conventions, people have done almost comical double-takes, come over to the table to get a better look, and end up buying the book. Just what a good cover is supposed to do! Alternatively, on the UK Amazon site, one of the reviewers said something like “Don’t be put off by the cover, because the book is great.” To each his own. We love the covers, and we hope you do, too. Enjoy!


  1. I love these covers! If we ever have a wall again, I'd like to do a framed series to put up.

    1. Yeah, we'd like to do that, too. Noah gave us the original inked pictures of A Soul for Tsing and Deathmask, so those would make nice wall mounts.
