We’ve been in Maine about a week now. We left the MerrimacRiver in company with Celebration, and motor-sailed to MountDesert (pronounced “dessert”) Island. We saw whales en route, and harbor seals when we arrived. The weather has ranged from fog to rain to brilliant sunshine – they’re all great. We traveled up Somes Sound, the only real fjord on the eastern seaboard. Deep water beneath us, and tall hills and mountains beside us. We saw some of the huge “cottages” along the shore as we travelled the sound – I can’t even imagine the kind of money it takes to have a place like one of these. But we were quite happy with our anchorage in SomesHarbor, at the northern end of the sound, which was really protected and beautiful. Here is Celebration at anchor on the calm yet chilly water of the harbor.
These could be the best pics yet! OMG, beautiful. It is SO cool to see the four of you together. That is a fantastic picture. We are very jealous here in hot FL. We just saw the Murphys the other night (we needed some bamboo, and who better to get it from?) and they asked about you. I just sent them the link to your blog, so I'm sure they will be checking in. Keep those gorgeous pics and interesting posts coming, guys. We miss all of you.
These could be the best pics yet! OMG, beautiful. It is SO cool to see the four of you together. That is a fantastic picture. We are very jealous here in hot FL. We just saw the Murphys the other night (we needed some bamboo, and who better to get it from?) and they asked about you. I just sent them the link to your blog, so I'm sure they will be checking in. Keep those gorgeous pics and interesting posts coming, guys. We miss all of you.