This was the most amazing sight! We were anchored at Lee
Stocking Island in the Exumas (Bahamas), near the outer edge of an enormous
sand bank that ran from the channel to the beach (this is on the protected bank
side of the island, not the sound side). One day we dinghyed in to the beach,
walked around, then headed back to the boat. Well, the water is crystal clear
here, and we saw something moving under the water. We’d seen several stingrays
already, but something about this was…different. Back to the boat, grab the
snorkeling gear, and swim back. Dozens of huge stingrays – wider than I can
spread my arms – were swimming around and atop each other, bumping into each
other, you name it. They were so active, they were flapping up sand and
obscuring the view sometimes, but we could see well enough. I was excited at
Rudder Cut Cay to see three sting rays following one another and interacting,
but this was far, far beyond that. We weren’t sure what they were doing, but
feeding is a good guess. The substrate here was very hilly sand, and living in
holes in the sand – when they weren’t out running around – were little portunid
crabs (swimming crabs, with flattened rear legs like the blue crab). There’s
always a surprise out here!
Stingray coming at ya! |
At least four huge stingrays here |