In a previous blog, I noted that
Weapon of Flesh (Kindle version) has been selling great this month,
making the Top 100 list for Action & Adventure Kindle books. Well, as of
this morning, Chris’ Amazon Author Rank was as follows:
Woo hoo! Like the Bestseller book lists, this rank changed
hourly, so it may not last if sales fall off, but just to be here is a
privilege, and certainly a boost to our writers’ self-confidence.
A request: If you have read and enjoyed one of Chris’ books
(or our co-written trilogy), please go on Amazon and write a review. It doesn’t
have to be long and involved, just honest. We don’t know for certain how
reviews affect the way that Amazon promotes books, but we do know that Weapon
of Flesh had the most reviews of all Chris’ books, and it has the best sales.