Mr Mac in the long, thin mooring field (dark blue water) at Waderick Wells |
The Exumas Land and Sea Park was established in 1958, and has been a no-take zone since the 1980s. The ranger’s station and main mooring field is at Waderick Wells, a cool island with plenty of areas for snorkeling, hiking, and seeing hutias, indigenous rabbit-sized rodents that Anne thinks are adorable, but which her mother would hate because of their long hairless tails (Mom’s not a rodent fan). There’s always work to be done, so we volunteered for a day again this year. Along with another couple, we managed to pull a boat way up on the beach, take off the hardware so it could be painted, and remove the leaking gas tank by sawing off the deck. This was actually the boat that Chris and I spent a day fixing and sprucing up last year, so it was kind of sad to see it disassembled, though we heard later on that they received a replacement tank and had it installed within a week – terrifically quick for this part of the world, where you have to wait for the mail boat to deliver stuff. Boo Boo Hill has a cairn of driftwood on which cruisers have written or etched their names. Chris scratched one out for Mr Mac to add to the pile.
Chris adding a "Mr Mac" plaque to the cairn on Boo Boo Hill |