Well, we finally made it out of the boat yard, which is a good thing. One thing about the boat yard is that it's dirty dirty dirty. Between the dust and sand and sanded-off paint floating on the breeze, the deck get filthy. Fortunately, we had a hard rain just a couple of days before we left, and were able to clean the decks pretty well.

Since leaving the boat yard, we've been residing on the dock at the house of our friends, Carl and Cathy (Thanks, Carl and Cathy!), who have room for not one, but TWO, count 'em, TWO, sailboats. The blue-hulled boat in the picture is
Persuasion, which they are readying for a trip of their own to the Bahamas.
Chris has been working on installing a bracket to hold the engine-driven refrigeration and emergency bilge pump, uninstalling (can you tell we use computers too much?) the dining table, which we are having revamped (more on this later), and doing sundry other tasks. Anne has started provisioning for their trip by buying some necessities at Sam's Club and Super Target. We want to spend some time in places where there is no shopping, like the Dry Tortugas, so we're stocking up on some essentials. One thing that we haven't found a good supplier for is Anne's coffee, Nescafe Taster's Choice Hazelnut (Anne is no coffee connoisseur, it's instant). Some Publix stores have it, but information on any other sources are welcome.
So, with regard to the title of this post. We're starting to experience some of the changes we'll be making with our new life. One is internet access. Right now we're sitting in Panera, working on our computers. We'll be seeking out new WiFi sources wherever we go so we can blog, do bills, etc. We've been so connected to the internet both at work and at home, it's going to be an adjustment, but we're up to the challenge. "Hey Chris, I need to write a blog. Oh, and would you please order me a cinnamon bun..."